A bit of a gypsy and lifelong artist, Marianna, brings her love of the outdoors to her art and everything that she does. She doesn't limit her artwork to just one medium and likes to let the inspiration decide whether it would be better in watercolor, oils or acrylics. Her sense of humor permeates her art and she uses her “artistic license” with gusto!
She has a painterly style of expressing herself called Impressionistic Realism. Capturing light and color to reproduce form to create feelings is her constant challenge whether painting in her studio or in the great outdoors.
On The Easel.... to find out what I’m up to !
featuring new studio works and inspirations
Click here to read her painting blog, Ramblings and Musing
The LIttle Gems Project
“When I’m not busy doing something, I’m busy doing something else.” ... Marianna